Monday, January 14, 2008

Underwear Gate '08: Case Closed

Underware Gate 2008 is officially over.

The manager of Classic Laundry called me this morning (and woke me up) to let me know that they were going to offer $225 for my missing unmentionables.

Only $25 less than what I asked for.

When I went down to pickup my money, the less than friendly woman behind the counter acted like she didn't know what I was talking about.

"Should I call your manager Aaron then?"

Chain of command. Works every time.

I was going to take a picture in my new underwear while I made it rain with these $20 bills, but I gotta leave something for the imagination.


T Dot said...

So mad you even THOUGHT about making it rain while you were in your underwear. DEEP SIGH!